Halter Show
AOA Show Rules & Guidelines will be followed for the entire show.
Halter Show
Regular Classes:
Production Classes:
Judging is based on 50/50, 50% fleece and 50% conformation.
Stall fees include electrical hookups (electrical needs to be requested at time of registration) and one bag of pellets. You can either bring your own bedding or you can purchase when you register online. Stalls are 10x10. Limit of 5 juveniles or 4 adults per stall. It is advised that you have matts.
Show Fees
Halter Show entries per alpaca
ABR Farm Member Early Bird (12/15 - 04/04/25) $52.00 (All prices include $8.00 AOA fee)
ABR Farm Member (04/05 - 04/20/25) $57.00
Non-member Early Bird (12/15 - 04/04/25) $57.00
Non-member (04/05 - 04/20/25) $62.00
Halter Production Classes per class
ABR Farm Member Early Bird (12/15 - 04/04/25) $52.00 (All prices include $8.00 AOA fee)
ABR Farm Member (04/05 - 04/20/25) $57.00
Non-member Early Bird (12/15 - 04/04/25) $57.00
Non-member (04/05 - 04/20/25) $62.00
Non-AOA member fee per Farm $80.00
(one non-member fee covers entry into all events)
Please Note: Please see event schedule for when the Halter Optional/Production Classes will be held.
Cancellation Policy: The online registration will be open thru midnight on 04/18/2024. Any changes after that day will incur a $10.00 fee for every change made (Halter & Fleece). All cancellations will be charged a $50.00 fee and there are no refunds after registration closes.
Awards: Trophies and Ribbons
1st to 6th place ribbons awarded.
Show Rules
1. Online Registration must be completed.
2. Alpacas must be registered with ARI; NO Pending ARI Registration Papers will be accepted.
3. Entries must include a copy of the original AOA/ARI Alpaca Registry Certificate with the holographic symbol, completed registration and the Owner of Record form if you do not own the alpaca you are showing (formally called the Buyer Permission to Show form) as well as full registration fees. Buyer’s Permission to Show and Owner of Record form can be found at www.alpacainfo.com/show. A copy of the application for registration “pending registration” or a copy of an AOA/ARI certificate stamped “Certificate Copy” is not acceptable and shall not be used to allow entry into the show.
NEW FEATURE: Now you can upload your AOA Certificates into the registration system. The file must be a PDF and no more than 800K in size. Now that AOA is emailing your certificates, this feature will make it even easier for you to register for shows. Just click the PDF image next to your halter, fleece, walking fleece, spin-off, or cottage fleece entries. One upload will take care of certificate needs for the remainder of your alpaca’s show career!*
*Exhibitors are responsible for verifying AOA Certificates are up to date for each show.
4. Entries must be entered into the online system by 04/20/2025.
5. To be allowed entry to the show, the owner shall submit a copy of the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (Health Certificate), which shall include the ARI number, alpaca name as on the ARI certificate, microchip #, and negative BVD results with testing method for each alpaca entering the show grounds, including companion or private treaty alpacas. The Show Superintendent will keep a copy of the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection as permanent records for the show.
6. All alpacas entering the show grounds must show proof of a negative PCR test or a negative VI test (VI prior to 1/1/2011) for BVD (NO other types of BVD testing will be accepted)
7. The Halter Show Class Divisions 501 to 510 (Get of Sire; Produce of Dam; Breeders Best Three) are Optional Halter classes; entries in these groups REQUIRE that your alpaca ALSO be entered in the appropriate Age-Color-Gender-Breed Halter class. (See Optional Halter Classes, Part VIII, Section 6, AOA Show Division Handbook)
8. Alpacas entered in the Bred & Owned Production classes may NOT be entered in their appropriate Age-Color-Gender-Breed Halter class.
9. Exhibitor Rule Halter Show: The owner may enter only 3 alpacas per breed type, per gender, per age division, per color designation. See AOA Show Rules for Color Compliance changes.
10. Classes may be divided or combined according to AOA show rules, depending on the number of entries.
11. The color designation refers to one of the colors shown in the current ARI Color Chart plus the multicolor types described in Part VII, Section 2, AOA Show Division Handbook. Please use the actual color of fiber at skin line, regardless of what your ARI certificate says. All colors will be verified at check-in according to the ARI Color Chart.
Under the 2023 Show Division Handbook Rules, certain alpacas are automatically disqualified from competition and certain Exhibitors & Handlers are prohibited from personally showing in front of a Judge when a business or financial relationship exists between an AOA Certified Judge and their customers.
Each year at contract renewal time, our Judges are required to disclose those alpacas, exhibitors, and handlers who cannot be shown in their show ring when judging at an AOA Certified show.
Since the AOA 2007 National Conference, Exhibitors have been required to disclose business and financial relationships with Judges and are required to acknowledge animals entered into the competitions that are not allowed to show in front of certain Judges at each show they attend. Beginning with the AOA National Conference, this disclosure is required from exhibitors during registration periods for all AOA Certified Shows. This was done to make sure Exhibitors understand the written rules and to eliminate confusion for Exhibitors & Handlers about which alpacas, Exhibitors & Handlers cannot walk into a Judge’s show ring during competition.
Please take a moment to review the 2024 Show Division Handbook rules to familiarize yourself with the rules under which you or your alpaca would be disqualified from entering the show ring during AOA Certified Show competitions.
Using your 2024 AOA Show Division Handbook, please see Part 5. Rules & Ethics for All Show Participants; Section 2 S. An alpaca/fleece is disqualified from competition if….
Also, please review the following list of ABR Great Western Alpaca Show Judges and their assignments:
Halter Judges:
All Huacaya Females: Diana Timmerman
All Huacaya Males: Wade Gease
All Suri Females & Males: Kevin O'Leary
Walking Fleece Judges:
Ken Hibbits & Laurel Shouvlin
Performance Judges:
Ken Hibbits & Kevin O'Leary
Youth Halter Judge:
To help with your show entries, please refer to the AOA Show Division Handbook.