Sponsorship Opportunities
Buy early to maximize your sponsorship recognition.
Please register early to gain the full benefit from your sponsorship generosity. This is a wonderful way to market your farm and show you are at the forefront of the alpaca industry.
All preferred stall and vendor booth placements will be done first by sponsorship level and second by order of payment received. The number of ring side stalls is limited. Please make every effort to register the total number of stalls needed at time of registration.
Welcome Bags will be given to each exhibitor upon check-in at the show. Sponsor Welcome Bag material inserts must arrive at the ABR office by April 26th, to be included in the Welcome Bag. Inserts cannot be accepted at the show.
Farm Show Ring Banners should be no more than to 3’ X 6’ and are provided by the sponsor. They must be dropped off at ABR Show Central on arrival, Thursday, May 1. Sponsors are responsible for removing their banner at the conclusion of both shows.
Two farms may share stalls under one sponsorship, however, only one farm may take advantage of advertising, announcements, Welcome Bag inserts, etc.
Palladium Sponsor - Limit One - $4,000
Premier Stall Location, ring side
4 free stalls
4 free entries
3 nights host hotel
Priority color check in your stalls
Farm banner displayed in show ring
Farm logo on ABR website
Farm recognition announcements throughout show
Sponsor supplied advertising, 3 inserts in Welcome Bag
One page GWAS/RMAS eblast (artwork supplied by sponsor)
Hospitality bucket
Platinum Sponsor - Limit Three - $3,000
Premier Stall Location, ring side
3 free stalls
3 free entries
Priority color check in your stalls
Farm banner displayed in show ring
Farm logo on ABR show website
Farm recognition announcements throughout show
Sponsor supplied advertising, 3 inserts in Welcome Bag
One page GWAS/RMAS eblast (artwork supplied by sponsor)
Hospitality bucket
Gold Sponsor - No Limit - $2,000
Premier Stall Location, ring side (stall locations assigned by order of payment)
2 free stall
2 free 2 entries
Priority color check in your stalls
Farm banner displayed in show ring
Farm logo on ABR show website
Farm recognition announcements throughout show
Sponsor supplied advertising, 2 inserts in Welcome Bag
One page GWAS/RMAS eblast (artwork supplied by sponsor)
Hospitality bucket
Silver Sponsor - No Limit - $1,000
Preferred Stall Location (stalls assigned by order of payment & after top 3 sponsorships)
1 free stall
1 free entry
Farm banner displayed in show ring
Farm logo on ABR show website
Farm recognition announcements throughout show
Sponsor supplied advertising, 1 insert in Welcome Bag
One page GWAS/RMAS eblast (artwork supplied by sponsor)
Hospitality bucket
Performance Show Sponsor - No Limit - $1,400
Preferred Stall Location (stalls assigned by order of payment & after top 3 sponsorships)
4 free entries
Farm banner displayed in show ring
Farm logo on ABR show website
Farm recognition announcements throughout youth, performance show
Sponsor supplied advertising, 1 insert in Welcome Bag
One page GWAS/RMAS eblast (artwork supplied by sponsor)
Hospitality bucket
Meet and Greet Sponsor - Limit One - $800
Welcome exhibitors to the Meet & Greet and enjoy making new friends and partnerships.
Music, food, and drink
Preferred Stall Location (stalls assigned by sponsor level and order of payment)
Farm banner displayed during the Meet and Greet
Farm banner displayed in show ring
Farm logo on ABR show website
Farm recognition announcements throughout show, promoting the Meet and Greet
Sponsor supplied advertising, 1 insert in Welcome Bag
One page GWAS/RMAS eblast (artwork supplied by sponsor)
Walking Fleece Show Sponsor - No Limit - $700
Preferred Stall Location (stalls assigned by sponsor level and order of payment)
3 walking fleece entries
Farm banner displayed in walking fleece area
Farm logo on ABR show website
Sponsor supplied advertising, 1 insert in Welcome Bag
Farm recognition announcements throughout walking fleece show
Vendor Sponsor - No Limit - $600
Premier vendor booth location
1 (one), 1/2 price vendor booth
Logo on ABR website
Vendor recognition announcements throughout show
Vendor supplied advertising, 1 insert in Welcome Bag
Welcome Bag Sponsor - Limit 1 - $600
Farm name and Logo printed on Welcome Bag
Sponsor supplied advertising, 2 inserts in Welcome Bag
Championship Sponsor - No Limit - $200
2 announcements, when Championship is called and winner announced
Choose the championship you wish to sponsor. Example: Huacaya, Brown, Female
Silent Auction Sponsor — No Limit - $150
Farm logo signage silent auction tables
Farm logo on ABR show website
Youth Jackpot Sponsor — No Limit - $150
Farm recognition announcements during youth, performance show
Farm logo on ABR show website
Spirit of ABR Sponsor - No Limit - $150
Announcement recognition during the show
Logo on ABR show website
Friends of ABR - No Limit - $100
Farm logo on ABR show website
Welcome Bag Insert - No Limit - $75
Sponsor supplied advertising, 1 insert in Welcome Bag