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Performance Show

AOA Show Rules & Guidelines will be followed for the entire show.

The Performance Show at GWAS has four parts

1) Showmanship which places emphasis on the handler’s show abilities

2) Obstacle which demonstrates the alpaca’s ability and willingness to accept training and to work with its handler through a variety of obstacles

3) Public Relations which demonstrates the alpaca’s and handler’s ability and willingness to perform day to day obstacles that may be encountered when doing public relations events with your alpacas

4) Costume which the exhibitor and alpacas are in costume with a story explaining costumes

Show Fees

Performance entry fee $40
(one fee per exhibitor and that exhibitor can enter as many classes as they want for that fee)

Non-AOA member fee per farm $80.00 waived for performance-only entries.

Showmanship/Performance Awards

1st up to 6th place ribbons awarded
Participation ribbons given to all remaining competitors.

Show Rules

1. Online Registration must be completed.
2. Alpacas must be registered with ARI; NO Pending ARI Registration Papers will be accepted.
3. Entries must include copy of ARI Certificate, Buyer’s Permission to Show if applicable, completed registration and full registration fees. Buyer’s Permission to Show form can be found at
4. Entries must be registered online by 4/20/2025.
5. Veterinary documents for all animals including performance classes must be included with entries.
6. To be allowed entry to the show, the owner shall submit a copy of the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (Health Certificate), which shall include the ARI number, alpaca name as on the ARI certificate, microchip #, and negative BVD results with testing method for each alpaca entering the show grounds, including companion or private treaty alpacas. The Show Superintendent will keep a copy of the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection as permanent records for the show.
7. All alpacas entering the show grounds must show proof of a negative PCR test or a negative VI (VI prior to 1/1/2010) test for BVD (NO other types of BVD testing will be accepted).

Under the 2024 Show Division Handbook Rules, certain alpacas are automatically disqualified from competition and certain Exhibitors & Handlers are prohibited from personally showing in front of a Judge when a business or financial relationship exists between an AOA Certified Judge and their customers.

Each year at contract renewal time, our Judges are required to disclose those alpacas, exhibitors, and handlers who cannot be shown in their show ring when judging at an AOA Certified show.

Beginning with the AOA 2007 National Conference (May 16-20, 2007), Exhibitors will also be required to disclose business and financial relationships with Judges and be required to acknowledge animals entered into the competitions that are not allowed to show in front of certain Judges at each show they attend. Beginning with the AOA National Conference, this disclosure will now be required from exhibitors during registration periods for all AOA Certified Shows. This is being done to make sure Exhibitors understand the written rules and to eliminate confusion for Exhibitors & Handlers about which alpacas, Exhibitors & Handlers cannot walk into a Judge’s show ring during competition.

Please take a moment to review the 2024 Show Division Handbook rules to familiarize yourself with the rules under which you or your alpaca would be disqualified from entering the show ring during AOA Certified Show competitions.

Using your 2025 AOA Show Division Handbook, please see Part 5. Rules & Ethics for All Show Participants; Section 2 S. 

Also, please review the following list of ABR Great Western Alpaca Show Judges and their assignments:

Halter Judges:

All Huacaya Females: Diana Timmerman

All Huacaya Males: Wade Gease

All Suri Females & Males: Kevin O'Leary

Walking Fleece Judges: 

Ken Hibbits & Laurel Shouvlin

Performance Judges:
Ken Hibbits & Kevin O'Leary

To help with your show entries, please refer to the AOA Show Division Handbook.

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